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ToPoJo Excursions 
Black Diaspora Edition
Edited by Marcellus Nealy and Biankah Bailey

Umoja is the Swahili word for unity. Our unity is woven from the many visions of the black diaspora.


We are many and we are one.


Umoja, ToPoJo Excursions: The Black Diaspora Edition is an anthology of poetry, prose and art by black writers and creators living in Japan and around the world.

Featuring works by Marcellus Nealy (poetry, photography), Christopher Deborah (poetry), Anthony Joseph (poetry), Kwoya Fagin Maples (poetry), LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs (poetry), Michael Harris (photography), Nyah Hardmon (poetry), Herbert Kendrick (illustration), Addeah Palmer (poetry), Martha Darr (poetry), Andre Le Mont Wilson (poetry), Alisha Gaillard (illustration), Cassandra IsFree (poetry), Johnny Collins (photography), Darryl Wharton-Rigby (play), Augustus Browning II (photography), Frances Dyers (poetry), Dess Spence (illustration), Amadou Tounkara (painting), Ivory Bennett (poetry), Nicole Alston (poetry), Adekeye Oluwasegun Lukman (poetry), Michael Frazier (poetry), Mikail Terfa Akundu (poetry), Nwankwo Columbus Chinedum (poetry), Gerald Headd II (poetry), Mónica Lindo (prose), Joseph Bonney (illustration), Tina Meeks (poetry), Shiela Denise Scott (poetry), Tabitha Anesie (poetry), Michael Johnson (poetry), Michelle Keane (illustration), Ravelle-Sadé Fairman (poetry), Biankah Bailey (short story), and Mavartist (illustration).


Please note: this volume is also available from major online booksellers such  as Book DepositoryAmazon and Barnes and Noble and many more. Shipping may be much faster and cheaper depending on your region, so please take a look.




Tokyo Poetry Journal


Tokyo Poetry Journal
c/o Jeffrey Johnson
English Department, Daito Bunka University
Iwadono 560 Higashimatsuyama-shi
Saitama-ken 355-8501 Japan

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Copyright Tokyo Poetry Journal 2020. All artwork and poetry copyrights remain with authors and artists.

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